CNC tepimo sistema yra centralizuota tepimo sistema, kuri tiekia kontroliuojamą tepalo kiekį į kelias CNC mašinos vietas, kol mašina veikia. Nors šios sistemos dažniausiai yra visiškai automatizuotos, sistema, kuriai reikalingas rankinis siurblys arba mygtukas, vis tiek identifikuojama kaip centralizuota tepimo sistema.
CNC mašinų tepimo sistema skirta tepti tepalą mažais, išmatuotais kiekiais per trumpus, dažnus laiko intervalus. Dėl laiko ir žmogiškųjų išteklių apribojimų, o kartais dėl fizinės mašinos vietos dažnai neįmanoma rankiniu būdu sutepti taškus. Dėl to gamybos ciklai, mašinos prieinamumas ir darbo jėgos prieinamumas lemia mašinos tepimo intervalus, o tai nėra optimalus taškui, kuriame reikia tepti. Siekiant išspręsti šią problemą, mašinose sumontuotos automatinio tepimo sistemos.
Pusiau skystos konsistencijos tepalas pirmiausia naudojamas mobiliuose įrenginiuose, tokiuose kaip sunkvežimiai, kasybos ar statybinė įranga.
Automatinės tepimo sistemos yra pagrindiniai priežiūros ir patikimumo programų aspektai. Jie tiekia tepalų taškus išmatuotu kiekiu tepalo arba alyvos iš centrinės vietos. Siurblys aprūpina sistemą pasirinktu tepalu ir tiekiamas iš lengvai pasiekiamo rezervuaro. Priklausomai nuo naudojimo, rezervuaro dydis yra įvairus ir gali būti nuo 2 litrų iki tarpinio birių krovinių konteinerio ar net birių krovinių bako. Parinktys yra beveik neribotos ir priklauso nuo programos. Šias sistemas galima stebėti nuotoliniu būdu naudojant grįžtamąjį ryšį ir tiesiogiai susieti su jūsų gamyklos PLC. Taigi, nesvarbu, ar naudojate ekskavatorių, vairuojate paruošto mišinio sunkvežimį, naudojate trupintuvą ar gaminate plieną, galite būti tikri, kad jūsų turtas visada bus tinkamai suteptas.
Automatinės tepimo sistemos arba centralizuotos tepimo sistemos yra skirtos tepti tepalą tiksliais, išmatuotais kiekiais trumpais, dažnais laiko intervalais. Dėl laiko ir žmogiškųjų išteklių apribojimų ir dažnai dėl fizinės mašinos vietos dažnai nepraktiška rankiniu būdu sutepti taškus. Dėl to gamybos ciklai, mašinų prieinamumas ir darbo jėgos prieinamumas lemia mašinos tepimo intervalus, o tai nėra optimalu taškui, kurį reikia tepti. Siekiant išvengti šių problemų, mašinose įdiegtos automatinės tepimo sistemos.
Pagaminta taip, kad atitiktų arba viršytų rutulinių sraigtų ir linijinių bėgių gamintojų specifikacijas, tai aukščiausios kokybės ličio pagrindo tepalas, kuriame yra ekstremalaus slėgio (EP) priedų.
Idealiai tinka linijiniams bėgiams, linijiniams guoliams ir rutuliniams varžtams, įskaitant Hiwin, IKO, NSK ir kt. Taikymas apima robotų rankas, CNC stakles, 3D spausdintuvus ir kitas mašinas. Patikrinkite gamintojo nurodymus dėl tinkamumo, techninės priežiūros intervalų, kiekių ir tepimo instrukcijų.
NLGI 00 tepalas taip pat naudojamas ciklo guoliams, siekiant sumažinti guolio pasipriešinimą. Nors šiek tiek daugiau nei nurodyta, šis tepalas taip pat tinka šiam naudojimui!
NLGI 00 (dvigubas nulis) tepalas yra pusiau skystas, suteikiantis mažesnį sukibimą ir mažą pasipriešinimą riedėjimui, kuris ypač tinka atviro ciklo valdymo sistemoms, naudojamoms 3D spausdintuvuose ir mažesnėse CNC staklėse.
Labai svarbu ant linijinių bėgių, rutulinių varžtų ir linijinių LM8UU tipo guolių naudoti tinkamo tipo tepalą, nes jie turi mažą riedėjimo guolių apkrovą – PTFE ir kiti mažos trinties priedai gali sukelti guolių slydimą, o ne riedėjimą ir priešlaikinį nusidėvėjimą. Tai ypač pasakytina apie mažos apkrovos programas, pvz., 3D spausdintuvus.
Rūšis |
Darbinės temperatūros, ºC |
Lašėjimo temperatūra, ºC |
Pagrindas |
Panaudojimas, savybės |
-20 iki +130 |
>160 |
Min / Li Hdxst |
Pusiau skystas, didelės klampos bazinės alyvos pagrindo lipnus tepalas CNC staklių mazgų tepimui automatine tepimo sistemaiPuiki skvarba, atsparumas nuplovimui, sudėtyje esantys specialūs tepikliai daro jį ypač atsparų dėvėjimuisi. Gelsvas. GPF 000 K-20 pagal DIN 51502. NLGI 00-000. Patvirtintas
Keičia seną nebetiekiamą
Vienos linijos progresyvi sistema naudoja tepalų srautą atskiriems dozavimo vožtuvams ir vožtuvų mazgams cirkuliuoti. Vožtuvai susideda iš dozavimo stūmoklių, judančių pirmyn ir atgal tam tikroje angoje. Kiekvienas stūmoklis priklauso nuo srauto iš ankstesnio stūmoklio, perjungiant ir išstumiant tepalą. Jei vienas stūmoklis nepasislenka, nė vienas iš toliau nurodytų stūmoklių nepasislinks. Vožtuvo galia nereguliuojama.
Veikimas pradedamas, kai valdiklis/laikmatis siunčia signalą siurbliui, kad būtų pradėtas tepimo procesas. Tada siurblys tiekia tepalą į tiekimo liniją, kuri jungiasi prie pirminio dozavimo vožtuvo, iš anksto užprogramuotam laikui arba kartų skaičiui, stebint per nurodytą stūmoklio ciklo jungiklį. Tepalas tiekiamas į kelis tepimo taškus vienas po kito per antrinius progresinius dozavimo vožtuvus, pritaikytus kiekvienai tepimo taškų serijai, o tada tiesiai į kiekvieną tašką per tiekimo linijas.
Mori Seiki Maintenance Guide
1. REGULAR MAINTENANCE GUIDE DuraVertical 635 eco 1
2. IMPORTANCE OF INSPECTIONS 1. The key to long-lasting machine accuracy is to perform daily inspections and regular inspection by maintenance engineers. 2. of a 3. If the causeMori problem cannot be determined or fixed, contact the Seiki Service Department for assistance. In case of concerns, maintenance engineers must take action within the instructions of operators. 2
3. REGULAR INSPECTION LIST CONTENTS Daily 1 Week 250 Hours 500 Hours 1000 Hours 2000 Hours As Required 4 14 20 22 24 30 36 3
4. REGULAR INSPECTION DAILY CLEANING 1. Machine Chamber PROCEDURE 1. Bring the spindle to the machine zero point. 2. Turn OFF the main power and disconnect the breaker. 3. Remove chips accumulating on the slideway protective covers. 4. Apply grease to the X-axis protective covers regularly. CAUTION Do not use compressed air To maintain machining accuracy, clean the chamber after completion of operations. Do not touch chips with bare hands. If handling chips, wear gloves that have resistance to cutting. Do not get on top of the protective covers when cleaning the machining chamber. 4
5. REGULAR INSPECTION DAILY CLEANING 2. Machining Chamber Observation Window PROCEDURE 1. Turn OFF the main power and disconnect the breaker. 3. Unlock the door lock device 4. Remove inside-outside smudges of the window with a detergent soaked cloth. CAUTION Use commercially available neutral detergent or fragance-free detergent for glass. 5
6. REGULAR INSPECTION DAILY CLEANING 3. Coolant Tank Filter PROCEDURE 1. Turn OFF the main power 2. Wait until the coolant level is stabilized after the coolant inside machine is returned to the coolant tank. 3. Remove the hose and cables 1 and 2. 4. Loosen the bolt 3. 5. Pull out the chip conveyor and the coolant tank. (4) CAUTION Protective glasses must be worn. 6
7. REGULAR INSPECTION DAILY CLEANING 3. Coolant Tank Filter PROCEDURE 6. Remove the bolts and top cover (5) 7. Remove the three coolant filters (6) 8. Drain the coolant pumps 9. Drain the coolant using a special suction device 10. Clean the coolant tank with a space or shovel. 11. Blow compressed air through the coolant filters. 12. Reinstall the coolant filters. This procedure continues next page 7
8. REGULAR INSPECTION DAILY CLEANING 3. Coolant Tank Filter PROCEDURE 13. Push the coolant tank into the machine unitl firmly pressed against the casting surface of the bed. 14. Adjust the jack bolts to secure coolant tank to the floor. 15. Mount the coolant pump 16. Connect the cables and hoses 17. Refill coolant 18. Reinstall the coolant top covers 19. Push the coolant button [ON] on the operation panel to confirm coolant is supplied. CAUTION Coolant tank must make contact with the cast iron surface of the bed or coolant will splash and may cause injury. 8 Confirm that part 1 is in contact with part 2.
9. REGULAR INSPECTION DAILY CLEANING 4. Spindle Tapered Section and End Face PROCEDURE 1. Spindle rotation must be stopped completely. 2. Remove the tool from the spindle 3. Press the emergency stop. 4. Remove dust and chips 5. Clean the spindle tapered section with a spindle cleaner. 6. Lubricate the spindle taper with the MOLYKOTE powder spray Ident. No.: 2254885. CAUTION Do not use compressed air Handle tool with care due to sharp edges Hold tool with both hands and prepare a waistheight tool rack to minimize physical effort. Make sure the spindle is supported when removing a cutting tool. 9
10. REGULAR INSPECTION DAILY CLEANING 4. Chip Conveyor PROCEDURE 1. Remove dust or foreign material off the chip conveyor. 2, Empty container when full. CAUTION Protective glasses must be worn. Glooves must be worn. 10
11. REGULAR INSPECTION DAILY CONFIRMATION 5. Spindle Warm-Up Step Warm-Up Speed PROCEDURE Time 1 5% 10 min 2 25% 50% 5 min 4 75% 5 min 5 100% 5 min 2. Refer to this table before performing the spindle warm up and operating the machine. 10 min 3 1. Perform spindle warm up to ensure optimum bearing service life. CAUTION Do not rotate the spindle without a tool clamped. Perform the warm-up below the maximum permissible rotattion speed of the tool and fixture. Ensure the tool and fixture are secured before performing spindle warm-up. 11
12. REGULAR INSPECTION DAILY CONFIRMATION 6. Air Pressure Inspection and Adjustment PROCEDURE 1. Check that the pressure gage is set at 0.6MPa (green mark). 2. If necessary, pull upward and rotate the pressure adjustment knob to adjust pressure/ Increasing pressure: Rotate knob clock wise. Reduce pressure: Rotate know counter clock wise. 3. Push the pressure adjustment knob downward. If pressure cannot be adjusted, check the plant side air source CAUTION Inspect pressure gage periodically. Adjust it if it’s not at the correct value. 12
13. REGULAR INSPECTION DAILY LUBRICATION 7. Spraying Powder Lubricant onto Spindle Taper PROCEDURE 1. Lubricate the spindle taper with the following powder lubricant. MOLYDUVAL Hymol powder spray Ident. No.: 2254885 CAUTION Be sure to spray the powder lubricant onto the spindle taper everyday 13
14. REGULAR INSPECTION 1 WEEK CONFIRMATION 1. Machining Chamber Observation Window Inspection PROCEDURE 1. Make sure window is clean and on place. 2. Clean or replace if necessary. 14
15. REGULAR INSPECTION 1 WEEK CONFIRMATION 2. Magazine Tool Pot Damage Inspection PROCEDURE 1. Make sure magazine tool runs properly. If not, seek assistance to repair or replace. 15
16. REGULAR INSPECTION 1 WEEK LUBRICATION 3. Greasing Tool Locks of ATC Arms PROCEDURE 1. Spray grease to the tool of the ATC arms regularly after cleaning. METAFLUX spray. 16
17. REGULAR INSPECTION 1 WEEK LUBRICATION 4. Cleaning/Greasing Front Door Rail PROCEDURE 1. Apply grease to the front rail. 2. Confirm that the door runs smoothly. 3. Repeat process if necessary. CAUTION Protective glasses must be worn. 17
18. REGULAR INSPECTION 1 WEEK LUBRICATION 5. Greasing X-axis Protective Cover PROCEDURE 1. Apply grease to the X-axis protective cover 2. Confirm that the X-axis runs smoothly. 3. Repeat process if necessary. CAUTION Protective glasses must be worn. 18
19. 19
20. REGULAR INSPECTION 250 HOURS CONFIRMATION 1. Checking Oil Level for Tool Clamp Unit Tank PROCEDURE Replenish oil if close to the lower limit. 1. Turn OFF the main power. 2. Shut off the compressed air supply. 3. Confirm the pressure gage on the pneumatic device indicates 0 MPa. 4. Remove the oil by turning it counter clock wise. If jammed, use a hook spanner to loosen. 5. Supply oil while checking the oil level. 6. Remount the oil tank. 7. Restart compressed air supply. CAUTION Turn OFF the main power. 20
21. 21
22. REGULAR INSPECTION 500 HOURS CLEANING 1. Cleaning Coolant Tank PROCEDURE 1. Turn OFF the main power 2. Wait until the coolant level is stabilized after the coolant inside machine is returned to the coolant tank. 3. Remove the hose and cables. (1 and 2) 4. Loosen the bolt 3. 5. Pull out the chip conveyor and the coolant tank. (4) CAUTION Protective glasses must be worn. 22
23. REGULAR INSPECTION 500 HOURS CLEANING 1. Cleaning Coolant Tank PROCEDURE 6. Remove the bolts and top cover (5) 7. Remove the three coolant filters (6) 8. Drain the coolant pumps 9. Drain the coolant using a special suction device 10. Clean the coolant tank with a space or shovel. 11. Blow compressed air through the coolant filters. 12. Reinstall the coolant filters. 23
24. 1000 HOURS CONFIRMATION REGULAR INSPECTION 1. Pneumatic Device Air Filter Inspection PROCEDURE 1. Turn OFF main power. 2. Shut off the compressed air supply. 3. Confirm the pressure gage indicates 0 MPa. 4. Inspect/replace the air filter element. (Refer to the following page for further instructions). 5. Restart compressed air supply. 6. Check for air leakage and confirm the air pressure is set at 0.6 MPa. 24
25. 1000 HOURS CONFIRMATION REGULAR INSPECTION 1. Pneumatic Device Air Filter Inspection Removing Air Filter Assembly Case Slide the lock downward and rotate the assembly case 45 degrees CW or CCW. Pull the assembly case downward to remove. Inspecting/Replacing Filter Element Handle with care the O-ring mounted on top of the assembly. Do not use tools when reinstalling case to prevent damage. If clogged, replace: a. Rotate baffle CCW to remove it along filter element. b. Mount a new filter element on the valve guide. c. Rotate the baffle CW to secure it along filter element. d. Remount the assembly case 25
26. 1000 HOURS CONFIRMATION REGULAR INSPECTION 2. Checking Clamp Force for Tool Clamp Unit PROCEDURE 1. Contact Mori Seiki Service Department for assistance. DMG / MORI SEIKI USA, Charlotte 4345 Morris Park Drive Charlotte, NC 28227 Phone +1 (704) 940 - 3380 Fax: +1 (704) 840 - 1101 Service Hotline: +1 (855) 364 - 6674 26
27. 1000 HOURS CONFIRMATION REGULAR INSPECTION 3. Wear/Damage Inspection of Electrical Cabinet Door Packing PROCEDURE 1. Turn OFF main power. 2. Inspect that door opens and closes correctly. 3. Check for dust and foreign matter inside and clean carefully if necessary. CAUTION Protective glasses must be worn. 27
28. 1000 HOURS CONFIRMATION 4. Replacing Main Filter REGULAR INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. Turn OFF main power. 2. Remove pressure from the pneumatic device. 3. Remove the bolts securing the filter cover and then the filter cover. 4. Remove main filter 5. Clean the filter. 6. Install the new main filter to the filter cover. 7. Reinstall the filter cover to the original position. 8. Secure the filter cover with the bolts 9. Restart compressed air supply. CAUTION After the procedure, confirm that the pressure is set at the correct value. 28
29. 29
30. REGULAR INSPECTION 2000 HOURS CLEANING 1. Cleaning Filter PROCEDURE 1. Turn OFF main power. 2. Remove pressure from the pneumatic device. 3. Remove the filter cover. 4. Turn the filter to remove. 5. Wash the filter in lye, and blow it with compressed air. 6. Reinstall the filter in the original position. 7. Apply some oil to the O-ring of the filter cover. 8. Reinstall filter cover and restart compressed air supply. CAUTION Wear protective glasses. If the filter deteriorates, replace it with a new one. 30 Confirm pressure is set at the correct value.
31. 2000 HOURS REPLACEMENT REGULAR INSPECTION 2. Pneumatic Device Air Filter Element Replacement PROCEDURE Removing Air Filter Assembly Case Slide the lock downward and rotate the assembly case 45 degrees CW or CCW. Pull the assembly case downward to remove. Inspecting/Replacing Filter Element Handle with care the O-ring mounted on top of the assembly. Do not use tools when reinstalling case to prevent damage. If clogged, replace: a. Rotate baffle CCW to remove it along filter element. b. Mount a new filter element on the valve guide. c. Rotate the baffle CW to secure it along filter element. d. Remount the assembly case 31
32. 2000 HOURS REPLACEMENT 3. Cleaning Electrical Cabinet Cooler REGULAR INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. Turn OFF main power. 2. Disconnect the plant-side power supply breaker. 3. Remove the cooler cover and the connector. 4. Blow the condenser fin downward. 5. Remove the panel cover. 6. Remove foreign matter with a vacuum cleaner. 7. Reattach the panel cover. 8. Reconnect the connector 9. Reattach the cooler cover. CAUTION Do not use inflammable products 32 Condenser fins and parts exposed to air have to be cleaned every 2000 operating hours. Depending on environment, it might require more frequent cleaning.
33. 2000 HOURS REPLACEMENT REGULAR INSPECTION 3. Cleaning Electrical Cabinet Cooler 33
34. 2000 HOURS REPLACEMENT 4. Replacing Cooling Oil REGULAR INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. Turn OFF main power. 2. Remove the left-rear side cover 3. Place an oil pan beneath the drain plug. 4. Remove the drain plug and drain all oil from the tank. 5. Wrap sealing tape around the plug’s thread. 6. Replace the drain plug. 7. Remove the fill port cap. 8. Pour oil while checking the oil level gage. 9. Remount the fill port cap. 10. Turn ON the main power and confirm the pump generates a suction sound. 11. Turn OFF the main power and check oil level. 12. If oil level is still low, add oil again. 34
35. 2000 HOURS CONFIRMATION 5. Spindle Taper Damage Inspection REGULAR INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. Spindle rotation must be stopped completely. 2. Remove the tool from the spindle 3. Press the emergency stop. 4. Remove dust and chips 5. Check spindle taper is not damage. CAUTION Do not use compressed air Handle tool with care due to sharp edges 35
36. AS REQUIRED LUBRICATION 1. Replenishing ATC Unit Tank Oil REGULAR INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. Turn OFF main power. 2. Remove the machine cover. 3. Remove the fill port plug. 4. Pour oil while checking the oil level gage. 5. Remount the fill port plug and machine cover. 36
37. AS REQUIRED LUBRICATION 2. Replenishing Coolant REGULAR INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. Remove the top cover 2. Supply coolant up to the upper limit on the oil level gage. 3. Remount the covers. CAUTION When supplying coolant, ensure the coolant filters are installed. Do not supply coolant during machine operation. Do not fill above the upper limit on the oil gage. 37
38. AS REQUIRED LUBRICATION 3. Replenishing Lubricant REGULAR INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. Remove the fill port cap and pour oil while checking the oil level. CAUTION Use only clean oil. Shell Gadus S2 V220 00 38
39. AS REQUIRED LUBRICATION REGULAR INSPECTION 4. Replenishing Oil for Tool Clamp Unit Tank PROCEDURE 1. Turn OFF the main power 2. Shut off the compressed air supply. 3. Confirm the pressure gage on the pneumatic device indicates 0 MPa. 4. Remove the oil tank by CCW rotation. If tight, use a hook spanner to loosen. Handle with care the O-ring mounted in the upper part of the oil tank 5. Supply oil while checking the oil level. Apply some oil to the O-ring. 6. Remount the oil tank. Do not use tools when reinstalling the oil tank to prevent damage to the case. 7. Restart compressed air supply. 39
40. AS REQUIRED LUBRICATION 5. Greasing Magazine REGULAR INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. Make sure magazine tool runs properly. If not, seek assistance to repair or replace. 40
41. AS REQUIRED ADJUSTMENT 6. Adjusting Coolant Discharge Rate REGULAR INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. Make sure the coolant discharge works properly. 2. If problems arised, refer to maintenance manual and seek for asistance. CAUTION Protective glasses must be worn. 41
42. REGULAR INSPECTION AS REQUIRED CLEANING 7. Cleaning Coolant Gun PROCEDURE 1. Remove the nozzle head and remove chips and foreign matters. 42
43. REGULAR INSPECTION AS REQUIRED CLEANING 8. Cleaning Operation Panel PROCEDURE 1. Turn OFF the main power. 2. Disconnect the plant-side power supply (breaker). 3. Remove any smudges from the operation panel with a detergent-soaked cloth. CAUTION Use limonene-based liquid detergent that satisfies the following conditions: Coolant must be free of constituents with adverse affects on human beings such as offensive smells or skin irritaion. The detergent must not cause hardening, dissolving, or swelling of the operation panel’s synthetic resin, etc. 43
44. REGULAR INSPECTION AS REQUIRED CLEANING 9. Manual Draining from Pneumatic Device Air Filter PROCEDURE 1. If condensate or foreign matter has accumulated in the bottom of the bowl, push the manual drain valve upwards to drain manually. 44
45. REGULAR INSPECTION AS REQUIRED CLEANING 10. Cleaning Magazine PROCEDURE 1. Make sure magazine tool runs properly. If not, seek assistance to repair or replace. 45
46. AS REQUIRED CONFIRMATION REGULAR INSPECTION 11. Preparation for Machine Operation After Prolonged idle period Operations Machine Idle Period Refer to maintance manual Full Stroke Travel of Axes Two days or more Written bellow Spindle Warm Up Two weeks or more Page 64 Replacing Coolant One year or more Page 71 Checking Oil Levels One year or more Page 46 and 52 Cleaning and greasing X-axis protective covers One year or more __ Cleaning and greasing axis Guide rails One year or more __ 46 Using the manual pulse generator, perform full stroke travel of each axis for check for abnormal sounds or operation.